Campus Centers 和 研究院

The following Campus Centers 和 研究院 (CCI) are defined per Presidential Memor和um 2022-01 和 Coded Memor和um AA-2014-18 of the California State University Office of the Chancellor:

Academic 研究 和 Evaluation Center (AREC)

Darrel Skousen, Director

Operating under the College of Education, 拟议的学术研究和评估中心(AREC)寻求与基督教社会联盟DH和更广泛的洛杉矶社区共同努力,实现所有学习者的积极教育成长. Focusing on the assessment, 探索, 增强, 和/or development of educational programs, AREC将:

    1. Assist in the development (or creation) of effective programs, using social science theory to inform expected outcomes.
    2. Investigate the ability of a program, policy, or service to achieve its desired outcomes (e.g.、需求评估).
    3. Conduct original re搜索 和 evaluations to measure the extent to which key educational outcomes (e.g., learning, teaching, retention, graduation, improvement, achievement) are achieved.

Center for Innovation in STEM Education (CISE)

Kamal Hamdan, Executive Director

最初是由安嫩伯格基金会捐赠成立的,作为一个区域中心,专注于实现变革性和鼓舞人心的STEM学习体验, the purpose of the Center for Innovation in STEM Education (CISE) is to develop, 支持, 和 improve STEM education 和 serve as a model 和 resource center for K-16 students 和 educators, local 和 national organizations, 干细胞产业, 和 also serve as model of aspiration in STEM teaching for other 基督教社会联盟 campuses. CISE engages K-16 students on 和 off campus in h和s-on challenge-based exciting STEM learning experiences, prepares highly qualified STEM teachers through alternative routes to certification teacher pathways, 为在职教师提供一系列高质量的专业发展机会,帮助他们改变教学实践, 与STEM项目和教师合作,推进他们的研究工作,为学生创造研究机会, 并与丰田和苹果等STEM行业领导者建立合作关系,为学生提供理论与实践相结合的体验,让他们接触到行业知识和技能. Its goals are to 促进 the development of new knowledge 和 re搜索 with an emphasis on serving communities that are underrepresented in STEM disciplines; serve as a model 和 regional resource center for K-12 STEM teachers, 学校, 和 districts as well as other 基督教社会联盟 campuses with like programs; increase the interest of K-16 students in STEM majors 和 careers; help increase the representation of people of color 和 women in STEM fields; increase diversity in STEM majors 和 careers; 支持 K-16 students’ academic excellence in STEM classes 和 majors; develop the next generation of highly qualified 和 passionate STEM teachers who will be the leaders in STEM teaching practices; increase the number of credentialed teachers in the STEM disciplines 和 inspire 和 assist them in improving their pedagogical practices; foster systemic change in STEM education through cross-sector public 和 private partnerships; offer high-quality STEM internships 和 employment opportunities for 基督教社会联盟DH students; 和 支持 基督教社会联盟DH’s overall mission.

快速公司. Institute for Technology Education (SITE)


Snap公司. 计算机教育研究所(SICE)的成立是由于教育学院(COE)收到了500万美元的礼物,用于支持计算机科学教育.  The purpose of SICE will be to make high-quality, 标准对齐的计算机科学(CS)是我们COE学生和洛杉矶地区所有K-12学生教育经验的组成部分.  该学院将与教育学院的愿景保持高度一致,即培养共同创造和实施变革的批判性教育工作者. 我们将挑战技术使现有权力结构永久化的方式,并积极寻求改变技术被用来再现不平等和压迫制度的方式. 最后, SICE will center the importance of joy as a foundational reason for engaging in CS education.  

The Institute’s work will focus on three main areas: 

    1. Curricular Development, Innovation, 和 Transformation;
    2. Teaching 和 Transforming Computing Education through Partnerships; 和
    3. Robust Academic 研究 on our Efforts. 

Center for Sustainability 和 the Environment


The purpose of the 基督教社会联盟DH Center for Sustainability 和 the Environment is to:

    • 培养兴趣, 促进, 并支持将环境可持续性在南南大学的学术单位和课程/研究活动中制度化的努力.
    • Ensure the university’s ongoing prominence as a sustainability 和 environmental justice leader in higher education locally, 区域, 而在全国范围内, 和 serve as a pillar of the community in this role.
    • 作为校园资源中心,建立跨学科和区域/国家可持续发展的联系,以支持教学和研究合作, 和 to provide a collaborative platform for pursuing associated extramural funding opportunities in this area.

该中心将作为一所大学的资源,利用南大校园内各种学术项目的跨学科优势,更好地协调和寻求与可持续发展问题和研究机会有关的校外资金. 建议的活动包括追求有益的学术倡议和提供支持性资源,旨在加强大学在可持续性和环境方面提高课程和研究成果的能力. 这些资源和举措将通过整合可持续性视角,在所有学术单元的现有课程中添加跨学科元素,从而提高整个大学范围内可持续性的教学和研究能力, 建立跨学科和潜在资助者的网络,以更有竞争力和更有效地寻求与可持续性相关的校外资助机会, 和 to offer 支持 for 教师, 教练, 和 academic departments for integrating sustainability into their curricular 和 re搜索 activities. 该中心还将成为一个网络资源,以确定其他学科的教职员工,他们可以作为支持可持续性和环境问题的校外赠款基金和项目的潜在合作者.

South Bay Economics Institute (SBEI)

Fynnwin Prager 和 Jose N. 马丁内斯,副执行长

The South Bay Economics Institute serves 基督教社会联盟DH students, 教师, 和 community partners by conducting 和 disseminating cutting-edge, 有效的, 和 student-involved re搜索 on economic issues facing the South Bay region of 洛杉矶 和 beyond. The SBEI leads innovative 和 forward-thinking economics education 和 re搜索 by: developing 基督教社会联盟DH economics curriculum 和 teaching while incorporating proven high-impact practices; engaging our diverse student body in economic analysis projects through mentoring programs, 演讲嘉宾, 和 community outreach opportunities; 和 facilitating 教师 development through economics re搜索 resources, grant writing deliverables, 和 local business 和 government community engagement. Since launching the Institute in 2016, we have undertaken numerous activities, including expanding economics teaching across CBAPP programs, mentoring students through our Student Fellows program 和 the UCLA Anderson Forecast Fellows program, conducting 和 publishing several re搜索 projects on the South Bay region, 和 engaging in a broad range of events with community partners. 这项实质性的工作为南湾区域经济面临的一系列问题提供了独特的见解, 洛杉矶, 和 Southern California that benefits our students, 教师, 和 community partners alike.

Recognized Campus Centers 和 研究院 currently in the process of chartering include:

  • Center for African Diaspora Sacred Music 和 Musicians
  • 英国央行行长默文•米. Dymally African American Political & 经济研究所
  • Urban Community 研究 Center

More information on active CCI charters, the CCI chartering process, 和 campus centers exempted from this policy will be coming soon. Please watch this space for updates.